
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret 8, 2012

cara menghilangkan reload pada opmin

Bagi Seng seneng PESBUKAN karo browser Opera mini mungkin rodok mangkel... pas arep ngawe status opo towo pas arep comment sering reload mulo marai kesuwen... Lanjut... tak wenei reti tips'e.. Hehehe 1. ketik about:config neng nggon enter addres trus click.. 2. trus golek'i site patches lan di no Nek wes rampung klik save.. Cntoh'e koyo ngisor iki.... Large placeholders for images [ye] Should the colored placeholder rectangles for images (used when not loading images) keep the original image size? Fit text to screen [yes] If disabled, text will no longer be fit to your phone screen, making it much harder to read. Loading time out [30] If a webserver does not send any data in this many seconds, the loading will be aborted. Site patches and user- agent masking [no] Enables site patches and user- agent masking. Keep styling in RSS feeds [yes] If enabled, most CSS/HTML styling will be kept in...

Java scrip

Texs color (HTML) texs kamu -arg Texs Color BBcode [color=#] Texs kamu -arg[/color] Texs Besar Texs kamu -arg Texs Garis tengah texs kamu -arg Texs Bayang Link Botton Garis Warna Gor garis ra go werno -arg Link icon Buat Link nama link kamu -arg Pasang Gambar Pasang RSS feed Texs dalam Kotak Cyber K-fdc INgat....? Abaikan kata-kata -arg Karena itu, hnya.. StemP ae... Hehehe. Suwun... @ Sumber→ Java Scrip LINK SENK KERI DEWE (cyber k-fdc)">