cara menghilangkan reload pada opmin

Bagi Seng
karo browser
Opera mini
mungkin rodok mangkel...
pas arep ngawe status opo towo pas arep
comment sering reload mulo
marai kesuwen...

tak wenei reti tips'e..

1. ketik about:config neng nggon
enter addres trus click..

2. trus golek'i site patches lan di
Nek wes rampung klik save..

Cntoh'e koyo ngisor iki....

Large placeholders for
images [ye]

Should the colored
placeholder rectangles for
images (used when not
loading images) keep the
original image size?

Fit text to screen [yes]

If disabled, text will no longer
be fit to your phone screen,
making it much harder to

Loading time out [30]

If a webserver does not send
any data in this many
seconds, the loading will be

Site patches and user-
agent masking [no]

Enables site patches and user-
agent masking.

Keep styling in RSS feeds [yes]

If enabled, most CSS/HTML
styling will be kept in feed

Show feedindex [yes]

Show a list of pagefeeds at
the top of the page

Fold linklists [yes]

Should the transcoder proxy
try to detect long lists of links
in mobile view, and if one is
found, fold it into a single line
that can be expanded?

Phonenumber detection [yes]

Should text that looks like
phone numbers be converted
to phonenumber links?

Minimum phone number
length [ 7 ]

If telephone number detection
is enabled, a number will
need to be at least this long
to be considered to be a
phone number

Use bitmap fonts for
complex scripts [yes]

If enabled, text written with
complex scripts will be
rendered on the server
instead of in your device.


Sumonggo di Jajal ruiyen bost.....

(Ngapunten, nek dlam pemostinganya ra maksimal bost.. (Cuma skdar di salin)
Tp kurang lebihnya kya itu gambaran tampilane...

Lanjut... Nyuss clorot... Byur....">


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